HUNTSVILLE, Ala. - CybEx, LLC, a joint venture between Quantum Research International and PeopleTec, Inc., announced that it was awarded the National Capitol Region - Integrated Air Defense Systems (NCR-IADS) effort under the Design, Development, Demonstration, and Integration (D3I) Domain 2 contract. The five-year $34.6M contract will be managed out of Huntsville in support of the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command / Army Strategic Forces Command (USASMDC/ARSTRAT)
"We are very pleased to once again support USASMDC/ARSRTAT in the execution of the NCR-IADS mission to monitor and safeguard the skies over the Washington, DC metropolitan area through defensive counter-air operations, including active and passive air and missile defense," said Mr. Frank Pitts, President & CEO of Quantum. Mr. Doug Scalf, President of PeopleTec added, "helping the Joint Air Defense Operations Center (JADOC) to maintain a fully integrated air defense system designed to protect the complex NCR environment is a critical mission that we are proud to support."
As the prime contractor, CybEx will provide systems integration and operations support to the JADOC at Joint Base Anacostia/Bolling, DC, the 263rd Army Air & Missile Defense Command and JADOC-Mobile at Anderson, SC, and systems integration and development test support to the JADOC-Developmental at Redstone Arsenal, AL. The winning CybEx Team includes Quantum Research International, PeopleTec, Inc., BAE Systems, and Agile Defense, Inc.